Somerset Federation of Gardening Clubs


SFGC Magazines

All the Magazines are posted on the website and editions from the very first one, dated  January 1990, can be found. 

To access the Magazines please 


2024 Calendar of Events

The 2024 Calendar of Events can be accessed by clicking


Useful Information

How to Organise a Show

Some hints and tips on how to put together a 

Flower Show.

Ted’s Allotment Booklet 

A guide for allotment keepers - 

Contact us.


Membership Enrolment Form

To use if you’d like to become a member or renew your Club’s membership.

Speaker & Judges Form 

The form to use if you’d like to be included in our list of Speakers & Judges.

Revised Club Details Form

To use to update your Club contact details.

Members Only

These are available to member Club committees by accessing the Private area - please contact for access details:

Events Form

for Club Members to let us know upcoming events for the year to go in our Events Calendar.

Guideline for Exhibitors

List of Speakers & Judges

A Draft Constitution for your Club.

Web developed by David Talling